
The RIA Advocacy and Government Affairs (AGA) Committee researches and assembles peer-reviewed position statements on issues commonly encountered by restoration contractors. The RIA does not create these position statements independent of its members. Rather, the papers represent consensus development of reasonable and fair approaches to these issues. The position statements that follow are intended for use by RIA members during discussions with others, and we trust will be supported by all well-intentioned businesses in the market.

Position Papers are also available in French and Spanish.  Thank you to AGA Canada and ReStor Right Bilingual Academy for assisting in translation efforts.

RIA Member Shares Success with Position Statements

How to Use RIA AGA Position Statements

RIA AGA Position Statements

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  • Claims Handling Position Statement #1 - Duty to Communicate with the Contractor

    This position statement addresses when the insurance carrier fails to communicate with the contractor.

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  • Claims Handling Position Statement #2 - Timeliness of Carrier Responses

    This position statement addresses when insurance carriers fail to timely respond to restorer inquires.

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  • TPA Position Statement #1 - Scope Change Requests

    Contractors, Third-Party Administrators (“TPAs”), and Insurance Carriers have developed mutually beneficial relationships over the years, and as with many relationships of this type, some areas of overlap and inconsistency have evolved. One of these areas is in the file-review process, which is typically handled by a TPA staff member. TPA staff may request a revision, believing the request is based on contractual controlling documents, while the contractor is unaware if the controlling documents apply, or may disagree with the interpretation of them. 

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  • TPA Position Statement #2 - Deference for Contractor Agreements with Carriers

    This position statement addresses when a TPA attempts to override a carrier's agreement with a contractor on the price and/or scope of a restoration project.

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  • TPA Position Statement #3 - Referral Fees for Jobs Not Referred by TPA

    This position statement addresses when a TPA charges a network contractor a referral fee for a job that was not referred to the contractor by the TPA.

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  • TPA Position Statement #4 - TPA Client Disclosure

    This position statement addresses when a TPA attempts to override a carrier’s agreement with a contractor on the price and/or scope of a restoration project.

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  • TPA Position Statement #5 - Deviations from Guidelines

    This position statement addresses when the unique circumstances of a project warrant deviation from carrier and/or TPA guidelines.

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  • New Construction Price Lists Position Statement

    This position statement can be used when insurance carriers and their partners attempt to apply “new construction” pricing to property damage restoration projects. 

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  • Adjusters Dictating Restoration Charges Position Statement

    This statement can be used when adjusters instruct contractors to remove items from invoices or change prices for non-program projects.

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  • Deviation from Standardized Price Lists Position Statement

    This statement should be used when insurance carriers and their partners attempt to prohibit deviations from standardized price lists.

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  • Denial of Charges for the “Cost of Doing Business” Position Statement

    This statement can be used when insurance carriers refuse to pay restoration charges they believe are the “cost of doing business.”

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  • TPC Position Statement #1 - The Role of the Consultant

    This is the first in a series of Third Party Consultant (TPC) Position Statements. It can be used when a third party attempts to dictate the restorer’s procedure, scope, price, and/or billing method, or the third party’s qualifications come into question.

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  • TPC Position Statement #2 - Project Control

    This is the second in a series of Third Party Consultant (TPC) position statements. It can be used when insurers or third parties attempt to control restoration work or modify its scope.

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  • TPC Position Statement #3 - Pricing Methodology

    This is the third in a series of Third Party Consultant (TPC) Position Statements. It can be used when an insurer or third party attempts to change pricing methodology

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Additional AGA Articles and Publications

Our Greatest Need
Mark Springer, CR, CEO Dayspring Restoration and RIA board member Mark outlines his case for a proactive approach to advocacy and how that will strengthen and sustain the restoration industry, including his seven step plan to accomplish this.